Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Leadership of Alexander the Great Essay - 3102 Words
Leadership of Alexander the Great â€Å"Noble indeed was his power of inspiring his men, of filling them with confidence and in a moment of danger, of sweeping away their fear by the spectacle of his own fearlessness†(Arrian, Anabasis 7.29) Having studied Alexander’s reign and scrutinised the various great successes he achieved in his short life as king, his â€Å"power of inspiring his men†becomes blatently obvious. Thus, even on the rare occasion that Alexander deserves to be criticised there is no doubt that the†¦show more content†¦Arrian is also quick to criticise Alexander when it is deserved, this is indicated by the disgust that he felt at the â€Å"servile behaviour†that Alexander allowed many of his followers to indulge in. This not only indicates how impartial and genuine Arrian is also greatly strengthens the reliability his opinion, in turn helping to justify the praise he adorns upon Alexander. In comparison to the other four surviving sources on Alexander, it is easy to understand why Arrian’s is considered the most accurate. Plutarch, like Arrian portrays Alexander in a favourable light, however, some of it verges on the romantic, thus dismissing it as bias. Justinà ¢â‚¬â„¢s work is widely regarded as unreliable and Curtius is also considered somewhat suspect. Although Diodorus contains valuable material, his dates are confused and his geography is inaccurate, thus respectively making Arrian’s the most effective account of Arrian’s expeditions The origins of Alexander’s excellent skills as a leader can be traced right back to his impressive upbringing. Sharing many of his fathers traits, it is obvious that Philip bestowed upon Alexander a phenomenal personal courage, a sharpness in decision making, intellectual perception and firm leadership skills all of which aid in verifying Arrian’s appraisal of Alexander’s leadership. Inheriting a vivid, romantic imagination and a strong will from hisShow MoreRelatedAlexander the Great: His Influence on Future military Leadership and Tactics2411 Words  | 10 PagesGreat men have lived on the face of the earth and left marks of their prowess and legacy that men of the present and even the future find it hard to emulate; a good example of such men is Alexander the Great. This paper seeks to explain further Alexander’s military genius and its positive impact on military impact over the past centuries. The paper also gives a well thought analysis why Alexander was so much successful in his wars and conquests. His big empire spread all the way from Gibraltar toRead MoreThe Military Leadership By John Keegan1443 Words  | 6 Pagesï ¿ ½Mask of Commandï ¿ ½ is a far-reaching study of the military leadership through history. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Opioid Dependence Treatment, Buprenorphine Or Methadone,...
Research Question The researchers conducting this study wanted to know which opioid dependence treatment, buprenorphine or methadone, has the smallest potential for causing neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in newborns. Rationale for Treatment Methadone is typically given to treat opioid dependence. This drug, which is a mu-opioid agonist, works by limiting withdrawal symptoms and the desire to use opiates. However, methadone has been shown to have a high incidence of causing neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in the child. This leads severe problems in the infant such as, hyperirritability of the central nervous system, autonomic system malfunction, respiratory disorders, and others. NAS results in longer hospitalization and more†¦show more content†¦The independent variables in this study were buprenorphine and methadone and the dependent variables were the number of neonates requiring treatment for NAS, the peak NAS score, the total amount of morphine needed to treat NAS, the length of the hospital stay for the neonates, and neonatal head circumference. Discussion The main threats identified in the study fall under the historical category. The study began with 175 participants beginning treatment, but only 131 women finished the study; 28 women on buprenorphine and 16 women on methadone dropped out of the study, showing distinctly different rates of attrition. As a result, the outcomes of the study could have shown bias in favor of the buprenorphine group. However, statistically, there were no significant between-group differences in women who completed the study and those who did not, suggesting that the differences in attrition rates are unlikely to explain the outcomes. The authors of the study explicitly addressed this concern and stated that the results should, â€Å"Be considered in light of the markedly different rates of attrition†(Jones, et al, 2010, p. 2330). They also discussed possible reasons for the differences in attrition rates and said that the rates should not matter as the final analysis conducted excluded women who were on over 100 mg of methadone, removing 19% of the sample. In terms of subject maturation, testing, and instrumentation, there are no
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cash Flow Present Value After Tax
Question: Discuss about the Cash Flow for Present Value After Tax. Answer: 1. Present value of after tax cash flow from exiting old food maker Year Depreciation expense Tax benefit After tax cash flow Discount factor PV 1 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.893 $2500.4 2 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.797 $2231.6 3 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.712 $1993.6 4 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.636 $1780.8 5 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.567 $1587.6 6 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.507 $1419.6 7 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.452 $1265.6 8 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.404 $1131.2 9 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.361 $1010.8 10 ($4000) $1200 $2800 0.322 $901.6 Total $15822.8 Present value of after tax cash flow from new Wonder food maker Year Depreciation expense Tax benefit After tax cash flow Discount factor PV 1 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.893 $3125.5 2 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.797 $2789.5 3 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.712 $2492 4 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.636 $2226 5 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.567 $1984.5 6 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.507 $1774.5 7 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.452 $1582 8 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.404 $1414 9 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.361 $1263.5 10 ($5000) $1500 $3500 0.322 $1127 Total $19778.5 The after tax cash flow effect from depreciation of switching from old food maker to new wonder food maker is savings of $3955.7. This amount represents the increase in cash flow from the new food maker. Since depreciation is a non cash expense, an increase in depreciation will increase operating expense which will reduce the net profit and hence fewer taxes will be applied on the net profit. This savings in tax will increase the cash flow and thus the present value of total cash flows from new wonder food maker will increase. 2. NPV in $ million Probability Best case 10 0.2 Worst case -1 0.8 Expected NPV = best case NPV * probability of best case + worst case NPV * probability of worst case = (10*0.2) + (-1*0.8) = $ 1.2 million Number of outstanding shares = 1 million Market price per share = $50 Market value of the company before investment = 1 million *50 = $ 50 million With a NPV of 1.2 million, the value of the company will increase by 1.2 million, Hence, Value of company after investment = 50+1.2 = $51.2 million Market price of share after investment = value of company after investment / outstanding shares = 51.2 million / 1 million = $51.2 Hence, with the announcement of the investment, the share price of the company will increase by $1.2 and will increase to $51.2 per share. 3. Fixed cash expenses = $120000 EBIT = $130000 Accounting DOL = 2.5 DOL = Contribution Margin / EBIT 2.5 = Contribution Margin / 130000 Contribution margin = $325000 EBIT = Contribution margin - fixed costs Fixed costs = 325000 130000 = $195000 Total fixed cost = Fixed cash expenses + fixed non cash expenses (depreciation and amortisation) 195000 = 120000 + fixed non cash expenses (depreciation and amortisation) Therefore, Depreciation and Amortisation = $75000 Cash Flow DOL = 1 + Fixed costs / EBIT = 1 + 75000/130000 = 1.57 Therefore, Cash Flow DOL = 1.57 4. The various investments and their respective profitability index are given below: Project Investment ($) PI A 20000 2.5 B 50000 2 C 70000 1.75 D 10000 1 E 80000 0.8 Profitability Index (PI) is a capital budgeting tool which is calculated by dividing the present value of all future cash flows by the initial investment. For a project to be accepted as per this rule, it is necessary for the PI to be more than 1. A project having PI of 0 or less than 1 is not accepted. According to the above definition, all projects except E are acceptable since they all have PI more than 1. The company can undertake all the project investments simultaneously because the company has $500000 available for investments, whereas the total investment value of projects A to D is $150000 which is less than the amount available to the company. Hence all projects A, B, C, and D can be approved.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Best Social Networking Tool for Me
Introduction Choosing the best social networking tool requires a decision process. The paper highlights the cognitive process that will assist one to select the best networking tool based on different alternatives. The steps followed incorporate output of the planning stage decision making that precedes the actual decision making exercise.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Best Social Networking Tool for Me specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Issue Identification Making a Decision Social networking tools have different features, and thus, one ought to choose a tool that is easy to navigate and customize. In addition, the tool should offer maximum benefits and have minimal consequences (Boyd Ellison, 2007, p.1). Goals to be achieved The tool should offer opportunities to add friends in an extensive physical social layer. Additionally, the tool should be an entity of reciprocal altruism and gift economy, a nd ensure privacy and protection of clandestine information. Issue Analysis Causes of decision paralysis Decision paralysis occurs because many people do not understand how social tools operate. Another issue that causes decision paralysis is the several tools that have similar functionalityâ€â€making it hard to choose. Cognitive and personal biases Depending on the physical appearance of the tool, many people tend to lean to the one that pleases their eyes without considering its functionality. Peer influence and the number of people within an age group can influence somebody to select a tool. Develop Alternatives Choosing one tool over another Choosing one tool over another is not an easy task. Nevertheless, people choose tools that best suit their needs. Moreover, the tool should serve the intended purpose like data protection and privacy. Not choosing any of the tools Certain factors can cause a barren choice of a tool. This dilemma does not eliminate the existing problem. C onsequently, a barren choice does not mean a cut of costs, but rather, an opportunity to revisit the decision.Advertising Looking for research paper on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Evaluate Alternatives Rating of each alternative It is better to explore each tool, analyze the benefits of each tool before making a decision. Even though people choose certain tools as the preferred ones, they still want to explore their decisions to establish opportunity cost. Rating of the risk posed by each alternative In the decision process, risks are rife. One might choose a tool only to find that it does not serve the intended purpose. Thus, it is better to rate every risk posed by each alternative and in order to establish how it might affect the outcome. Decision Using Optimizing Strategy The optimizing strategy enables one to choose a tool that would give results and enable realization of objectives. Under this strategy, only allo w a barren choice when the tool offers low utility threshold. Lastly, the tool chosen must meet all conditions of the criterion. Using Max-min strategy Sometimes, limited technology can hinder the decision process. However, it is important to note that a barren choice will suffice the decision process. When costs and implications outweigh the benefits of the tool, then, go for a barren choice. Implementation Plan Decision actions Compare the pros and cons of the tool before taking any decision bearing in mind that the pros must outweigh the cons in order to eliminate chances of a dilemma occurring. In case one fails to choose a tool, then repeat the process again. Additional actions to prevent adverse consequences The best way to arrive at the best social networking tool is first, understanding how the tools work and then weighing the pros and cons with ease. It is also important to make a decision once for all in order to refute any future regrets. Otherwise, a flurry of decision s trategies serves to bring confusion that will cause decision paralysis (Mackaay, 1990, pp. 867-910). Review Plan Risks and drawbacks involved One must understand that the prevailing status quo may change. In addition, the chosen tool will definitely be missing some benefits owned by the other tools. Furthermore, although the tool chosen meets the objectives, it may not necessarily evade personal biases hence, rendering it unpleasant.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Best Social Networking Tool for Me specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Why benefits outweigh risks The choice, and not the status quo, is the paramount thing in selecting a tool. The pre-eminence of the tool in fulfilling the objectives at a manageable cost takes priority. Additionally, a person can sacrifice personal biases by conditioning sessions in order to choose the best tool. Conclusion The very many social networking tools make the d ecision process of choosing the best tool cumbersome. Nevertheless, a good decision process will always lead to the best social networking tool. From identifying the issue to reviewing of decisions, one finds how involving the task is. The scrutiny of various alternatives enables the decision maker to make an informed choiceâ€â€on that meets the objectives of the entire process (Harris, 2009, p.1). Reference List Boyd, D. Ellison, N. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 1. Harris, R. (2009). Introduction to decision making. Virtual Salt. Retrieved from Mackaay, E. (1990). Economic Incentives in Markets for Information and Innovation. Harvard Journal of Law Public Policy, 13(909), 867–910. This research paper on The Best Social Networking Tool for Me was written and submitted by user Sloane S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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